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Karl means manly in its origins, which are northern Germany and Scandinavia regions. Hence, Karl surely has lots of masculinity in him. Karl is one of those extremely attractive males who’s not only a tall, hot, athletic man with amazing physique but also quite talented in some other fields such as music, film, fashion or literature. Karl always seems like the type of bad boy who dress all black and especially love to wear black leather jacket 24/7 while hanging a belt chain all day long. He always has his own swag since he doesn’t seem to care much about other people’s opinions of him or things related to him, overall he has this magic power of connecting with all kinds of people. You can often seem Karl hanging out and socializing with pretty everyone and surprisingly even having solid relationships with everyone too. Furthermore, Karl is definitely an vampire style hot guy, yes he might not be the most good looking guy but he is usually the most unique, mysterious, special one who could catch your attention by simply being himself. As a friend, Karl could be someone who’s always mature and loyal to their friends and group too. When Karl picks girl, he would pick those who are not only hot but those who are also interesting and fun because Karl hates boring things in general.

“YO! Is that cool new dude named Carl?”
“Not just Carl, but Karl! Karl with The K!”

by Elijah1995IP November 23, 2021


Karl is hansome nice funny and extremely sexy maybe you won't notice it the first time you se him but get glider and he is! Hes Aldo a little bit shy and not into performing in front of other people.


by Kodje December 12, 2016


Karl is the god of flirting shit. He makes everyone got hooked for him. He is the god of beauty and brains. Karl used to be an icon of falling in love. A Karl is so good in making girls fall for him but is unlucky in falling inlove. He is a fucking ghoster and fucking ghosted 3000 times. That’s why he is called the god of beauty and brains because he knows his worth and beauty. The word should only be used to immortal men who can survive a day of having sex for 700 times.

Gosh he is so good in making others fall for her, he is a Karl for sure.

by Shameless Man August 21, 2019


Absolute drip, smells like he invented halitosis, cry’s like a baby broke like a bitch

Guy1- have you seen Karl

Guy2- no but I can smell him

by Stankyfarts February 15, 2023



Damn, Karl is really hot.

by Sheeeeeeeesh29 May 31, 2021


Another word of Car.
Sometimes used as a funny word to say it.

A: wanna get on my karl and see how I turn this SUV into a Labogini?
B: Of course
A: Wish my Karl would be fast enough to get us to that motherfukin university! AMEN!!!
B: *moai*

by nopeakaphamminhteky1 December 2, 2024


karl is a dumb ass fucking faggot who licks dick for a living this porch back bigger monkey should of back to the realm of retardedness where this ducking slut came from!

karl is being such a fucking karl.

by karlisgaykarlisgay May 5, 2022