An alien from a unknown planet, who spits radioactive dräggel.
His IQ is so low that you cant even count it.
He have many CP ticks, with some amazing CP moves.
Do you see the alien over there? Its Linus the Alien!
Covert emotional abuse usually a parent with primary custody interfering with the other parents' ability to form an emotional parental connection with children by brainwashing tactics and denying visitation over time causing children to unjustifiably take on their behaviors towards the alienated parent.
My son feels that way about me because of his mom’s parental alienation.
The most annoying thing in the universe, it constantly steals your peanut butter, so if you find it in your house, eat all your peanut butter because it will prolly kill you if you don’t give it any.
Greenleto 3 Alien broke into my house and stole my peanut butter again! Dammit!
An Alien is a non-discovered being supposedly on another planet available to have life. Also very mysterious.
"Do you really think that there are Aliens in the Universe?"
A species that comes from outer space
Aliens were proven real by the government and there are videos to back it up from the Air Force
*aliens appear*
Jim: Look an alien! They want Trump, our horrible leader!
Mexicans: HELL YAH