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Used to call someone who is amazing at every sport he touches.

Wow, Ante is amazing at everything hes too good

by Trudhdhdurh May 16, 2023


Ante ima malu pisu

If u see man with a small pee pee its ante

by Hksbdh January 29, 2023

En Piss Ant

In chess, en piss ant (French: ɑ̃ paˈsɑ̃, lit. "in pissing") describes the capture of an enemy pawn on an adjacent file that has just made an initial two-square advance.

300 rated player - "Bro, I think I just saw a glitch on chess.com, Someone took my pawn with theirs when it wasn't even on the right square"

100 rated player -"Google en piss ant"

by K_popsicle June 28, 2023

Fantom Ants

When you have a trail of ants in your house and you spend 20+ minutes cleaning the trail up and you come out victorious killing them all only to feel ants crawling on your arms,legs,and body for the next hour or so but when you check to see how many there are none really there. Fantom Ants.

I got fantom ants after clearing up that sticky juice spill

by Silverbud Shotgunfarmer June 22, 2010

Ant Eater

A Jewish man Uncircumcised.

Paul has an Ant Eater

by 78' March 11, 2021


Anted is a cute fine little boy. He is friendly and gives good advice. This is a girl’s man o. Girls take him before it’s too late. If your sad anted will do everything he can to cheer you up. If you are about to die and only anted can save you, he would give you his heart. This boy is a sweetheart. If you don’t have an anted in your life what the hell are you doing with it. GIRLS TAKE HIM NOW

Beat it. He’s mine jare. No I called dibs on anted first

by Yaba boy July 29, 2019

ant dunk

Ant dunk is where an ant dunks your nuts through a hoop

at least my dad ant dunk

by randompersonman12341 October 25, 2022