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An individual who lacks total hossness. Most anti-hosses are from Ohio and are commonly toasted to as being the anti-hoss. Examples include Kanye West and "E" from Entourage.

Sean: Man, that there Hugh kid cannot even take down two shots of tequila without throwing up.
Jeep: Yeah, Hugh is certainly an anti-hoss.

by Seanstreck September 15, 2009

15๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


Something that halts or reduces one's urge to jack off.
Anything classified as "cute" is automatically anti-masturbatory, otherwise it would just be "hot".

I was getting busy looking at porn then I heard the most anti-masturbatory thing ever:
Meatwad from adult swim's Aqua Teen Hunger Force's voice.

by Battery September 15, 2005

17๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


People who are against bub in every way.

the anti-bub community is growing.

by gn0mi February 27, 2021


Something that is not cool, or something that is bad, but not in the Michael Jackson "bad" way, but more like the "G.W. Bush will be ruler of the world" way; unfavorable.

1)Yo, why you trippin? You being real anti-ferg now.
2)Ughh, that soup is anti-ferg.
3)person 1: "Yeah, I got dumped yesterday"
person 2: "Anti-ferg"

by CompletelyFergified April 8, 2009


being voluntary and involuntarily at the same time

"kenzie doesn't come out of her room, she is so anti-sociable"

by nocteye April 25, 2018


The act of removing a person's chinstrap, you then singe the skin where the chinstrap was with a blowtorch. This creates an anti-chinstrap as the hair you burned will not grow back, however the other hair will

Guy 1: I heard the took Matt and gave him an anti-chinstrap.
Guy 2: Yea, now his face looks real weird.

by Burrito6 November 18, 2010


Something that seems like it might be easy, but turns out to be absurdly hard. Opposite of blag.

Teacher: You will have to watch The Martix for homework.
Chris: Blag!
Teacher: And make 2000 words of notes on how it relates to Rationalism.
Chris: Anti-Blag!

by Rickyingoo November 13, 2009