A girl about her money and will to take risks.
Easy in your Bougie bitch voice Rich Girl
A rich bah humbug little shit bastard
Eww there is a rich matthew
The guy who teaches you how to cook bread
friend 1 "hey do you know whor rich brian is?"
friend 2 "Yeah he's the one who taught me how to cook bread
People who got money and are motherfuckers.
I am homeless and this dude was a rich mofo to me.
Hitting someone in the face with a erect penis
Steve was rich slapping his wife
Being able to get 4 loafs of bread at a gas station, don’t forget the 10 milk too
Hey dude wanna have 5 bologna cheese whiz sandwiches? Isn’t it fun to have a friend who’s Aids rich
Having lots of money with out showing it by not buying expensive clothes or rims, u don’t look apart
Looking like a bum and having more nun name brand the name brand that’s wealthy rich