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Awkward Walrus

the weird spot in your bed that you never sleep in.

dude, you totally took up Awkward Walrus space last night.

by cashoo November 29, 2009

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awkward reader

A person who comes up behind you while you're reading and begins to read over your shoulder. Even more awkward if they read out loud.

Dude, quit being an awkward reader.

by DiSK171512 July 18, 2010

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Awkward Karaoke

The process of being exposed to a certain song in a car,house,room etc. that every other person around you knows and sings openly all the lines to the song,and in an attempt to fit in one makes a desperate attempt to sing along to said music usually ending in embarrassment.

Gary:Everyone was singing Thriller in my car but I only knew the first part of the song so i just mouthed the words quietly thinking no one would notice.
Ben:Sounds like a case of Awkward Karaoke.

by Alex2the123 August 5, 2009

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Awkward Cactus

The action of holding both arms out in upside down 90 degree angles (like a cactus with upside down arms 🌡) during an awkward or uncomfortable situation when you don’t know how else to respond. Usually paired with an uncomfortable smile πŸ™ƒ. This is especially used by socially awkward people.

Friend: you look cute today.
Me: πŸŒ΅πŸ™ƒ
Friend: you look like an awkward cactus

by daisynicolexo December 7, 2020

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Awkward Fist

The pose made when you have to take a photograph with a person you do not feel comfortable with, yet you are required to put your arms around him or her for the sake of a decent photograph. In this pose the hand does not grasp around like a normal embrace, but rather clenches into a fist in case you have to escape this creepy person.

"Ohmigosh, I just met the best man and he is really creepy! Do I have to take a picture with him?" - Maid of Honor
"Don't worry about it! Just use the awkward fist!" -Bride

by lazerest April 23, 2011

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awkward pirate

The awkward gesture used when your in a group of people talking about an outside party and the person being talked about comes into the conversation OR hears you talking about them.

Raise one hand over your eye and the other into a hook shape with your finger.

"DUDE, Jessica is such a slut! She tried to.."
::jessica walks in::..
::awkward pirate::

by smokethaherb September 1, 2009

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awkward roadsign

n. a roadsign gesture made with the hands by putting one hand in a karate chop-type position,and the other in an 'O' formation above it. this signifys an obviously awkward moment, an alternative to the previously over-used awkward turtle

this roadsign can be considered part of the awkward mascot club, and clearly shows the incomprehensible nature of awkward turtles, awkward palm trees, etc. and may often lead to the spontaneous erruption of laughter from those of a more immature disposition.

rachel was in the van descibing to tessa, amanda, robin and stephanie how she stalked someone on facebook.

tessa: that's really awkward, like awkward turtle...
amanda:no, more like awkward palm tree
robin: no way, that's more like awkward snowsuit
stephanie: not even, that's definetly an awkward roadsign

by sesamizle May 8, 2009

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