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Vanessa Banks

This awesome chick from Dallas.

Vanessa Banks is freakin' amazing.

by Anonwhatwhat May 19, 2011

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left banked

To have friends or family that pretend to look out for your best interest, but these persons only send you cards or gifts when you complain. To complain and not have anyone listen except when it bothers a friend or relative personally.

I was left banked at that last job. The accounting department would never say hi to me unless I was at the company picnic with my ex.

by bobbie_fisher April 25, 2009

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Tha' Bank

"Tha' Bank" is a pseudonym for Burbank, Calif. that the locals refer to their city as.

I heard the baddest bitches be in Tha' Bank; What you doin'? Nothing, finna' hit Tha' Bank; Tha' Bank is the most hated city in the 818. Haddeghucci's run that muthafucka.

by **B M G ** February 26, 2010

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breaking the bank

To waste an extreme amount of money

Man I took this girl out to eat, she ordered the most expensive items on the menu, straight breaking the bank!

by 22sessLWD February 12, 2016

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Bank bitch

A Bank Bitch , is the person sitting on the bank watching their friend get their as kicked!

Look at that (Bank Bitch) just sitting there while their friends gets his ads kicked!

by #whippingpost March 13, 2018

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Bank Porn

1) Bank offers that sound like a good decision in the beginning but turn out to be horrible for you or your business

2) Banks that bait and switch their customers.

My Bank sends me Porn in the mail, they offered me a free checking account but it has fees after 1 year.

I get Bank Porn in the mail every week, offering me no interest credit cards for the first 90 days then 22% interest there after.

I'm hooked on Bank Porn, my checking account cost me money

Instead of a fixed rate loan at 13% my bank recommended an adjustable rate loan, they were pushing Bank Porn.

by IndustrySource December 10, 2010

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bank of a slut

Bank of America

I stole $5,000 from Bank of a Slut yesterday

by Jay Ziegler February 12, 2004

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