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boot Asian

A well-groomed (often female) Asian that typically wears boots, usually paired with tight pants that accentuate their lean frames.

A boot Asian will also likely have a supple, shining coif and accessorize in haute couture. He/she probably received a middling to high-end education and owns at least one Club Monaco shirt and Givenchy bag.

"There were hella boot Asians at this party. I was expecting LARPing premed grads from UCI... I was wrong."

"Damn, check out that boot Asian freeboobing near the Shiseido counter. She's making my girl look like a soccer mom selling funnel cake."

by bootsfriend December 5, 2011

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The Rain Boot

When someone is so loose that the only way to effectively stimulate them is by placing a rain boot on your foot ( safety first, dont want to catch something) and ramming it in their beaver!

Tim: What did you do this weekend?
Bob: I hung out with that girl Sarah...
Tim: WTF man! I hear that bitch is so loose you have to use the rain boot on her.
Bob: Yeah how did you know?!
Tim: THere was this one time at a party and I was really drunk.....It had been raining.....

by BigRed&SugarTits June 23, 2009

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Sexy Boots

A sexy pair of ceramic boots made in China, purchased at a stationary store by no other than the sexy pbaintfor his Media & Communications class. It had been latexed and peeled which increases its sexiness by 10, and has been suspended on a 12'' x 12'' basswood box which increases its sexiness by 100.

Look at those sexy boots! Too bad the elevator broke the box while it was closing.

by Sexy Boots March 23, 2004

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bean boots

Boots made of rubber and leather. They originated as hiking boots in Maine. Have become stylish in a preppy way. Commonly worn by rich W.A.S.P people in the north east united states and also in the south. To be seen wearing them is sort of an "old money" statement, as they can be seen worn around the boarding schools (Exeter, Andover, St. Pauls) and private colleges of new england, (ie. Williams, Middlebury, Trinity College) in the colder or muddier parts of the year.

"What kind of boots are those?"
"Bean Boots"
"Huh, I've never seen them before."
"Yeah, I would imagine you haven't, you're not rich, your not a WASP, your not from new england, and you've probably never heard of the NESCAC."

by johnnyfromnewhampshire February 9, 2010

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ninja boot

Stems from the separated-big-toe footwear popular in Asian countries. A synonym for camel toe.

Friend A: "Look at the camel toe on that girl!"
Friend B: "Dude, don't say that so loud. Say 'Ninja Boot' instead."

by OHC June 30, 2004

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Puss In Boots

A female in the United States Army, Navy, or Marines, or Airforce.

Did you see that chick in camo? She's a regular Puss In Boots!

by Margaux March 16, 2006

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Das Boot

German for "The Boat"

A movie showing the other side of the war, not Americans doing what the British and French were blowing up/capturing before America's entry.

Documents the life on a U-Boat.

Buy the one with subtitles (Das Boot). The English-language (The Boat) dubbing isn't great.

by Kung-Fu Jesus April 28, 2004

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