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Classic Coke

1. The original version of the soft drink "Coca-Cola"

2. That kid WillyG gave the Dee to on Wasteland (CoD Mw2).
Also a huge asshole on xbox

1. "Buy some Classic Coke mom, I'm thirsty"

2. "Did you see Classic Coke get fucked in the ass by WillyG? HOLY SHIT! He is in my game!"

by Showtimaa October 19, 2011

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cherry and coke

When you finger someone's bum'ole too aggressively so shit and blood is secreted on to the appendages at a 50/50 blend. Then proceeding to lick the fingers clean for gratification.

Did you guys do anal?

Nah she gave me a cherry and coke

What the fuck is wrong with you

by Littlesage February 8, 2018

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Diet coke

Battery acid. That’s it. Pure battery acid

Customer: one Diet Coke please.
Mechanic: do you mean battery acid?
Customer: is that not what I said?

by BigTimeRushIsC00l July 16, 2019

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juicy coke

a fountain soft drink with ice as opposed to a bottled or canned soft drink.

Honey, would you please go get me a juicy coke?

by rottenhana June 5, 2011

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Coke nails

When you grow your fingernails so you can snort coke without making lines. David Cameron has them.

"David can I borrow your coke nails a moment in the parliamentary loos"

by Timmy factoid August 23, 2013

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coke nails

it's when you use your long fingernails to scoop up cocaine and snort it from the tip of your nails.

"Betty you could have just used this rolled up dollar bill instead of your coke nails!"

by ThatGirlContrair August 23, 2013

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coke nails

usually the pinky finger nail left uncut, a coke nail is used to hold cocaine for the userto sniff said cocaine

Damn Snoop got some long ass fingernails you think they coke nails?

by Raidroachsmoker August 23, 2013

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