Then get counting science-bitch!
Hym "If the studies don't already exist... Do the fucking studies then! Get a head-count of who's doing all the fucking, get a dick measurement, and acknowledge the the fact that you conflate FUCKING and RELATIONSHIPS for the sake of your argument. Because the studies that there ARE show that for 'short term mating selection' it's <6. That's who's having all the short term success. Stop bring up RELATIONSHIPS. Nobody give a fuck about a relationship. And I don't need evidence if 'I have reasons that justify the proposition.' Do the study! Get a count of who's having all the sex. Get a dick measurement. Get a count of the woman who have a preference their selection is based upon. And then experience being wrong."
A real man who shows a high amount of muscular characteristics.
A man does 100 pushups without stopping. "He must have a high T Count."
What dream says to tommyinnit (child) when twitch glitches and shows less viewer count.
Your viewer count is down tommy
One with intense drip.
Also used as a nickname when greeting someone.
Leo: What’s crackin young slug?
Caleb: Nothin’ much Count Dripula, hows it boolin?
When you count how many tampons are in the trash to figure out how far along the chicks period is.
Dude your mom's pollen count is high, she's almost ready. M
Another term for 'Count your blessings' coz Randi is an absolute blessing
stop being ungrateful bro, count your randi's and be thankful