Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the III and Astrid Hofferson. They are the epitome of couple goals.
I dunno what to use as an example for this, they're just couple goals, it's true.
clay and sara (the two most in love people you'll ever meet)
- by val
have u seen clay and sara? they're literally couple goals!!
Mia and Ethan
literally just Mia and Ethan
damn, Mia and Ethan are literal couple goals, wish i could be like them
Jupi and Claire are couple goals, what I wouldn't give for a relationship like theirs.
They going raw.
“I saw Tom and Kate go to target together, you know what that means.. They’re that Target Couple..”
When you put your bare asshole up against another persons bare asshole.
So yeah, Jeremy and I were de-coupling for hours last night.