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dirty Devyn

dirty Devyn a single man who acts depressed when he really isn't, this "man" trys to act tough for his dad just to make him proud.

Roses are red violets are blue

dirty devyn is single and so are you

by halo lowis May 21, 2022

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Dirty Lemon

When a man gets his own taint juices (a mixture of ass and ball sweat) on his fingers and then rubs it under another person's nose. Named for Don Lemon, it's similar to the Dirty Sanchez, but it may or may not leave a mustache.

The bartender was not turned on when Don gave him a Dirty Lemon.

by Under Instruction August 15, 2019

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Dirty minded

Every existing user on UD.

im dirty minded he's dirty minded we're all dirty minded

by ATotallyOriginalAndFunnyUserna June 4, 2021

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Dirty Ayanna

Fine asf. Great head, freak in the bed maybe a great person to have fun with ass is phat the bed you'll find and has good pussy find you a Ayanna!

Dirty Ayanna is a fun person

by Tangl April 29, 2020

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Dirty cindy

When she sucks the soul out of you

Dude I'm going to hell my girl gave me a dirty Cindy last night

by Zeongato April 3, 2020

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Dirty Marquis

A dirty Marquis is when you finger a girl with a lemon while playing among us and then make her eat the lemon

person 1: oh there is a lemon here
person 2: its time for a dirty marquis

by REDDITKID123 October 21, 2020

Dirty TomaΕΎ

When you have too much weed, forget what decade it is and start banging your girlfriend like an industrial jackhammer to the tune of Y.M.C.A

Dude, wtf, totally nailed her last night with a Dirty TomaΕΎ

by BluetifulWaffle June 2, 2020