A large amount of cash - something worth a large sum of money
"How can you afford to eat chic fil a every day?"
"Big baller dollars"
The act of rubbing a towel against your thighs and your balls after a shower
"I had some water on my thighs I couldn't normally get off, so I had to preform Me Millionth Dollar."
Your best friend that has no emotion whatsoever and is pale as casper the ghost lol.
Shelby: Brian is such a Dollar Store Dracula
The act of which you cum into a rolled up dollar bill and shove it down a strippers throat.
— This act is illegal in North Korea and Montana —
Man, last night I experienced my first Slimeball Dollar Bill! It was so hot!
Described as a means to entertaining the public. Onedollarslap.wix.com/startup makes videos of crazy slaps to the face for only a dollar. It is used as a way to refer to someone that is crazy, cheap or out of control.
For example: yeah Benny needs to take it down a notch, sometimes he can act like a one dollar slap.
Term; for modern lip augmentation or model like lips. A play on wealth and beauty social cosmetic lip presentation.
That model had vermilion dollar lips.
A person that thinks they are gonna bribe a person with money, and assumed it gets them into the club or that they think they won't get their ass wooped because they got money or a bong...
When the mother Fucker lazily thought they were better than me but they ain't got shit on me,
Whether I am in rags or riches they are a 20 Dollar Bum..
Mong was a 20 Dollar Bum trying to hand me a $20 Bill