emo convo:
emo kid 1: omg i some kid called me stupid! I'm so DEPRESSED!
emo kid 2: i feel you !! the other day some kid called me gay... =
emo kid 1: wanna come over and cut ourselves
emo kid 2: yeahhh and cry and listen to some dashboard confessional
emo kid 1: yeah no one understands uss
emo kid 2: i know, damn no one understands
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its over. way over. but something else is bound to come a long to fill that gap
emo dude. *sighs* im sooooooo emo
normal person. dude its over
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Often associated with gothic, but a fake cheap demeaning version. Something that annoys everyone that isnt emo. Something thick people take up to fit in, much like cigarettes. Started off as a music genre, went out of control. Someone who calls themself emo immediately degrades themself. A phase. Ruining the world. Has anyone noticed that you cant do anything without someone calling you emo? Like now if you dye your hair black, paint nails black, be alone for a while, dont smile often, or wear a bit more black than the average person, YOU ARE EMO. It is very frustrating for people who did these things BEFORE emo even became this epidemic, like me, because they put effort in to be something they are not, but i do it naturally and people think im trying to be emo. I get called emo all the time, but the people who call me it are stupid idiots that are only making the crisis worse. You know what? People call NAPOLEON DYNAMITE emo! THAT IS INSANE!!!!!! Like WTF?!?!?! Its napoleon dynamite for fuck sake! You know what else? The rolling stones got called emo! ACDC got called emo! Judas priest got called emo! Its so hard these days for people to tell whether someone is a tryhard emo poser or not. I HATE EMO. You should hate emo. It is destroying teenagers and uniquity. It cheapens everything. It demeans everything. Its so SIMPLE. Do you want to be SIMPLE? Do you want to be BORING? Do you want people to roll their eyes everytime you are mentioned? If not, then please resist from being emo. The only person that can stop it before it gets out of contol, is you. Think about it.
One way an emo is created:
girl: that boy over there has long black hair that covers his face. He wears nail polish. He wears make up. WOW he is so in touch with his feminine side. He is so unique! Im gonna go ask him out.
*girl walks up to emo poser cock boy*
emo poser cock boy: What do you want? To steal my soul with your vulgar bullying? ...even know i dont know what that means.
girl: no i want you, your so... different.
emo poser cock boy: okay but only if you become emo and cut yourself. Only then wil i let into my blackened soul
girl: okay i have to go now and follow emo stereotypes. bye
emo poser cock boy: bye...
*girl walks off*
emo poser cock boy: wow girls really like this emo thing. I better be more emo and follow even more strerotypes!
This is just one of the many ways this stupid disease spreads and gets worse.
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People who cut themselves, listen to only really depressing music, and have really long uncut bangs. Uses a lot of 'x' in their screen name. carries a black notebook with a list of people they hate, poetry about death and anarchy.MUST BE ATHEIST
types of emos:
The Fat Emo: The fat kid who needs a group to belong to
The Scene Emo: The colorful ones, size 1 and below
The Original Emo: endangered species as they kill themselves off too quickly
The 12 and Under Emo: usually 5th graders who are trying to be incredibly deep
The ScrEMO: Listens only to screamo religiously
Did you see the fat kid?
No, he isnt fat he is just emo.
Did you hear that she went all emo and shit?
Yea fucking 5th grade loser
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Short for the word emotional. The word originated in the DC with the Band Rites Of Spring. The band called the fans emo because of the style of their music.Nowadays, people consider emo as a lable to people who are generally depressed and very romantic. Even though some people that are emo arent really depressed but enjoy the emo music and the clothing style. Most emos skateboard and shop at Hot Topic TM.Some emo bands are Taking back sunday, and dasboard confessional. If you wanna talk to a emo kid im this sn Xucantsavemex56.
That Band Taking Back Sunday are really emo.
Hot Topic is a Emo store.
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This is a paper i wrote for the newspaper about what emo is:
Omg! Did you see the singer of “Riding over a bloody river on broken wings”? I loved his makeup. It was like the caked on eyeliner effect is like really hot!! And his jeans. . .how can he fit into a size 0? I can’t even do that. These are commonly heard phrases from so-called “emo” kids. I’ll let you in on a little secret. EMO KIDS DON’T EXIST. I bet you all are thinking, are you blind? No my friends, emo indeed doesn’t not exist.
Emo is a type of music, not a type of person. Ignorant people who use titles such as “she’s so emo” should be corrected. The proper terminology is “Scene” which is a type of fashion that emulates the current fashion in Indie, and Hardcore music, considered Passé by most people who are involved within each genre of music stated above. For instance people who listened to those types of music originally wore “mosh hats”, Vans Slip-ons or Chuck Taylors, Corduroy blazers, and tight jeans. Soon there after, caricatures of these trends pop up on people trying to fit in by displaying these articles of clothing.
Contrary to popular belief, “emo” doesn’t mean emotional. If it did, every single song ever created would be considered “emo”. Starting with the break up of Minor Threat (a straight edge hardcore band) in Washington D.C during the 80’s, some hardcore bands took a turn to a softer side of music. This became “Emotional Hardcore”, not to get confused with just emotional. This is where “emo” came from. Emo is short for Emotional Hardcore. Bands from the late 90’s to today, are not “emo”. To call them such would be an insult to hardcore music. If you want to know what real “emo” music is, download Sunny Day Real Estate, Texas is the reason, Jawbreaker, and Fugazi.
"Sunny day real estate is emo" not "She is so emo"
Sunny Day Real Estate, Texas is the Reason, Jawbreaker, Fugazi
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1)softcore punk music
2)one who cuts themself
1)dude noone likes emo rock.
2)i wish my grass was emo,it'll cut itself.
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