owner for elite network also a litte shit
ace envy is a shit
When you witness someone play or achieve something in a video game and become jealous. You may possibly drop everything you were doing to indulge in your need to game, but you might not stop until you achieve your goal or see the morning sun rise.
Hey, my friend found an Elytra in the Minecraft server before I could! I've got a serious case of gamer envy; I need to hop online and find one as soon as possible!
What you feel when someone is an inherently better person than you.
My neighbor spent the last year in India feeding and clothing poor people. Then she gave her inheritance to charity. The whole thing gave me Soul Envy.
The feeling of jealousy that rushes through your body when hearing about others’ academic success and achievements.
The rush of academic envy flowed through my body as she flaunted her A+ while I was stuck with a C.
When you find someone who is just statrinf to watch a series you love and you know how much they have to look forward to.
You are just starting GoT?... I have binge envy!
The anxious feeling that someone else has a better reputation than you for protecting the environment.
Everyone admired my new Prius and the solar collectors on my house, till my neighbor bought an all-electric car and put up a wind turbine. Now I'm suffering from profound greenness envy.
A German expression (Futterneid) describing the behaviour of persons who hoard food or are unwilling to share food with others.
Didn’t your brother just take that platter of food to his room?
Yes, but I rescued it. I might want to eat some more later. It’s my food envy.