DONT WATCH IT. IT IS 112 dB (good thing I had my headphones)
SCOTLAND FOREVER 1000x volume is the loudest thing ever.
an epic san diego hardcore/crunkcore/dubstep band that is heavily defined by their ability to cream jeans, drop panties, and make a big steamin batch of brutal glory soup. They also live on the island of vagina and surf the waters of pussy on a regular basis. They each have their own signature custom gold, purple and silver jumpsuits and enjoy the fat burrito on occassion. The only band in San Diego that has an exotic, bootie-short wearin dancer who is open about his blatant love for bitches and sake. In general, a pretty sexy band who always brings the mosh and hard nipples.
(noun) Karl: hey, you have something on your jeans...
Sha Nay Nay: That's cuz' I just saw Forever Days Forgotten with The Jonas Brothers!
When a man or a woman imprints himself or herself on another by passing on a noncurable disease to them and forever tainting their reproductive organs.. bitch ur crotch is forever mine cause I have imprinted my disease on it...
Chris "forever bitched" alice by tainting her crotch with his frothy green discharge
WAKANDA FOREVER is what a chess pieces screams when they sacrifice themselves in Top Chess. Another word they say is Ebombay.
I fuck your protection WAKANDA FOREVER
in which d4 , d5, c4, c6, xd5
1👍 2👎
Basically a loser; if you've never been in a relationship you suck
Have you heard about the new student?
Yeah, apparently they're forever single
Makes sense, who'd want to date...that?
when someone is so much better than people in the hall of fame they put him here and showcase all his great and noble works and good deeds and everything he did all his life , everything he said an did too the best way possible, and it don't ever stop showing it even millions of years later, the next generations must keep it up or a keeper must be made immortal to keep it up with eternal youth that won't die of old age or anything
he deserve to be in the hall of forever fame, he's infinite and beyond better than anyone in the hall of fame, its just not right to lop him in with them and share their mantle or pedestal.
Literally the best chemistry
Just like a love story something like a Romeo and Juliet type of novel as maurisio waited & waited for the perfect one Abigail her self was also waiting for the one little did they know they would run to each other & whenever they did it was a blessing for both of them they had the best moments of their life’s it went so fast but they didn’t care the love they had toward each other was like no other everything was natural maurisio couldn’t stop asking himself if any of this was real the way she was towards him was like something never before a dream a movie it’s like god sent him an angel to watch over him as he struggled with mental health she removed all the problems he dealt with she is sunshine in his darkness the medicine to his pain she was literally everything he’s ever wanted he was already rich not even rich a billionaire as I type of this I just wanted to thank this gorgeous angel for everything she’s done for me you have no idea how much I appreciate & love you 🥲🖤🔐💍
Because she’s my bubs forever