Fork is homosexual and quite low key about it, don't trust Fork.
Hey did you hear about what fork said?
I heard it was just a ruse
Fork (name) is a deceptive person
Fork repellent is something Lollipop from Bfb sells. It will make it so forks fly away from you. it can also be used to push away lava because it is multi-purposed.
Lollipop in bfb 21: "Want some Fork repellent?"
haha! you misspelled OpposingFork
OpposingFork has mental illness???
Opposingo Fork bananas
a discord server with FREAKS. besides brooke.
putrid uterus fork discord server can suck my dick.
Something Asians like to do to insult white people
Joe: yo I saw Mr Miyagi eat forks with noodles yesterday
John: bruh