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The act of stabbing someone with a fork

Jimmy got mad at his teacher during lunch and violently started forking her in the face

by Ewwitsevie May 3, 2016


when you and someone else rub Ford F-150s together

Your mom forking me

by Yourmomissohotlikesohot November 9, 2021


The action of using a picking food with fork in order to eat.

Claire was forking the tomato’s. They were so good.

by Edoward R. Scissorshabd March 12, 2023


Like scissoring, but with four girls.


Hej, Sarah, have you heard of forking? It's like scissoring, but we need to get two more girls.

by astropauls September 23, 2020


When two men kiss while their penises are touching eachother

Gay Brian: “OMG, Kevin and I were getting ready to do it last night. While we were getting intimate, we accidentally started forking.”
Straight Daniel: “That’s cool bro, never tell me that again.”

by ElevatedPanguitch October 6, 2020


Unlike spooning, forking is when you cuddle with the intention of sexual intercourse afterwards. Spooning is PG, always.

"Ayo Johnny, you won't believe it. Me and Vanessa ended up forking last night"
"Word up!"

by forkking April 13, 2021


It is a revolutionized sex style. This sex style involves four dudes and one girl, wherein all the dudes placed the hee-haws on the girl's holes, specifically four holes: one in the nostril, one in the mouth, one in the bootyhole, and one in Debussy.

It is also a polite way of saying "fucking/fuck (fork)". Same energy with "firetruck"

"I heard forking is a very good way to please someone sexually" - Aaron

*proceeds to helicopter in the bootyhole*

"fork you, you mother trucker" - some random virgin kid who plays Fortnite for a living

by NKCM November 5, 2021