A girl usually named Sarah or Kasky that will fuck anyone or anything
Kasky that girl is not even a challenge that girl is a gap twat whore
To be so profoundly retarded that people legitimately believe that there’s a big ass gap where your smooth brain should be
John: I am retarded but being retarded allows me to have an open mind
Steve: This guy’s got brain gap
The space between a flat chested females breast. Noticeable in swimwear or deep V cut shirts
Carrie had major flat gap in that dress, she looked like a 12 year old boy
Sprite mixed with cough syrup. Also known as Lean.
"Pour some gap juice in dat cup"
The time between hits as the bong is passed around the circle. The length of the bong gap is generally inversely proportional to how high a collective group is.
They can't be that high, they have a really low bong gap.
The difference between how far it is to the end of the chapter and how far it is to your stop/station on public transport.
I'm not going to start the next part of my book, the chapter gap is too short.
When your wife is sleeping peacefully so you slide your arm around her and shove smelling salts in her face. You then use her horrified recoil to shove your dick up her ass.
My woman went to sleep on me after making promises earlier in the day. So I hit her with the Nose Slap Ass Gap.