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Muffin moment

n/ A sudden yet undeniable craving for a blueberry muffin.

Jackie went into the kitchen when she suddenly had a muffin moment.

by Nickjken March 30, 2020

hurst moment

A moment of incredible stupidity

person 1: *looks at a Lana Rhodes photo* she is very ugly

person 2: that's a hurst moment

by lagoom December 26, 2022

Chocolate Moment

The precise moment in which someone refers to an item (Such as chocolate) In a sexual manner

Chocolate Moment:
Kerrie McNugget: Would you like to see my nuggets?
Paddy: Oh yes, I could just chew on them all night long

by Haydenthecompletelegend June 16, 2008

Mj moment

When a person such as Mj, will refuse to play with the boys and would rather call a girl for hours on end.

Justin: "Lets play GTA V later tonight"
Mj: "Nah not today, just sayin"
Peter: "Mj moment right here"

by wife beater 9000 June 27, 2021

5👍 1👎

bruh moment

a bruh moment is in simple terms a wave of depression or other bad emotions such as loneliness, sadness or anything you don't consider good (can be more than one at a time)

"yo you good bro"
"nah just having a bruh moment"
"ite bruh"

by kosmickumstain October 31, 2019

Jahard Moment

A more vague and confusing response to give to someone when you've already said "bruh" to them before.

Two people playing Bedwars
"That was kind of a Jahard Moment"

by Antiwasnothere December 22, 2020

Ack moment

When the whole of us crp 1 just fucks itself in the ass with a cactus and hot rebar

this happens so often that the general chat in ack discord is filled with members screaming why the server is not up

God fucking dammit theres an ack moment happening

by Smug Russian Weeb June 6, 2021