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Special Cookies

Cookies baked with weed in them

Last night i got so high from the special cookies

by madeusmile23 December 9, 2008

20๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

cookie bunny

A rather peculiar bunny from the Oregon Humane Society who goes creep in the night(and day) and steals cookies around the globe. You might see him next to your coffee, stealing your cookie breakfast. You might see him snorkeling in your milk, awaiting an unsuspecting cookie. You might see him sneaking into your kitchen, looking for some sugary goodness. YOU NEVER KNOW WHERE THE BUNNY MIGHT LURK.

Person 1: Mang, the cookie bunny stole all my cookies!
Person 2: Omg, teh bunny lurks

by suraliq May 6, 2008

25๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

duplex cookies

The best mother fuckin cost-efficient cookie ever made.

Amanda: When you go to the store please buy me some chips ahoy.

Joey: Fuck that! All I have is 80 cents so I'm gettin some duplex cookies sandwich cremes.

by bama_slammer January 29, 2012

22๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

cookie monster

Pronoun: Name of arguably the greatest muppet ever to grace the popular children's show Sesame Street. When not munching down dangerous amounts of cookies he was destroying the set around him with his huge girth and even huger mouth. A legend in every sense, capturing brilliantly the rampant, bloodthirsty selfishness that every human locks deep in his or her psyche.

"Okay. Me not eat cookie. Me eat.......EVERYTHING ELSE!"

by Coaldrone January 21, 2004

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Ginger Cookie

A Ginger Cookie is the womans vagina during the time of her period. It is usally used in referance to giving a woman Oral Sex during her time of the month.

"Hay Mike, last night I was totally eating the Ginger Cookie"

"Sorry Sue, I never eat the Ginger Cookie"

by C_A_FUK September 25, 2006

39๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Girlscout Cookie

A tasty snack treat made from real Girlscouts.

Young Girl Selling Cookies On Corner: Would you like to buy a girlscout cookie?
passerby: Are they made with real Girlscouts?
Toung Girl Selling Cookies On Corner: (puzzled expression) No...?
Passerby: Then I don't want any. By the way, is your Mom training you to be a prostitute?

by No-Merit Badge May 31, 2008

34๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

insurance cookie

a cookie you grab early in the morning before work or school because you know they will all be gone when you get home.

Fred: "John, come on! We're gonna be late for work!"
John: "Hold up, gotta grab me an insurance cookie."

by Arbag August 24, 2009

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