When something is ok but it isn't great or terrible.
sally: is this dress cute to you?
me: ish, i mean it's ight but not my first pick. kinda almost iffy
ishmoney is short for ishmoneycashswizzle, which is ishas nickname. isha is extremely pretty even though she denies it, and her favorite ice cream flavor is bits o cookie. she is the funniest person ever and very fun to be around. she’s easy to talk to and you never get bored with her. she bakes a lot. she has the perfect body and she looks good in everything. she has a weird obsession with lik uzi vert and candles, which others do not entirely understand. at times she hates everything, but at other times she doesn’t. but usually it’s the first. she’s also really good at doing makeup. she often makes up words such as headass. she’s so strong and idk how she does it. she can even put a shirt on upside down. overall, she’s cool/nice/impressive/adequate. 10/10 would recommend.
is that isha?!?!
yes. it most definitely is.
Something that resembles something else but not quite sure to 100% what it is.
That plane looks like something 737-ish but could be an Airbus A319 too
ishing (v.) : the act of kind of “ish” being together. Comparable to “talking” . This can be described as being in a of being in a “hazy” zone. Like somewhere in the side spectrum from friends to a relationship. Aka dating in 2019.
Stacy and Sam are totally ishing . That is they are not in a real relationship but they are kind of together.
can be used as a verb or adverb
v. to ish or the act of ishing is to either fuck with someone or the complete opposite
adv. used to describe something that is awful, stupid, or just bullshit
v. "Bro what happened last night you looked fucked ass up." "Big Dave ished my punch."
adv. "I just copped an eighth for 50 bucks!" "That's some ish."
used when something soesn'the need much explain.
My homework is ish.
Downy, down, horse, tripod, big d
" Hey Kivi do you want to play cod?"
" Yeah, I'm ish to play cod"