Izzy brings happiness to the table, wherever she goes. She is strong and vertically gifted and loves to workout. She sets ambitious goals for herself.
She had a cool fashion sense and loves to collect different types of animal horns. Her room is full of different collections and she is always on the lookout for something to add to them.
She acts energetic in public but is often very tired in the mornings because she stays up past midnight most nights. This is only done out of convenience because she needs to get all her homework done so she can continue working on her goals.
She may sometimes offend you, because she prioritizes her needs over anyone else, especially when she is working hard towards some of her goals.
Overall, Izzy is a great person and will inspire you every day to never give up and to work on yourself.
A: "Wow! Izzy really offended me the other day!"
B: "Oh that's perfectly normal for Izzys, don't worry."
A: "Really? I thought mine had some kind of manufacturing defect."
B: "Nope! She's just working towards her goals!"
Izzy is the type of girl who isnt sassy enough to have her name spelt with two s so instead her personality relies largely on sleeping zzzzz.
Izzy is the love of my life, she is also poopookaka.
a girl or boy known for having a big gob and being irrelevant.
Their genitals are also knows for smelling and looking green.
They are well known racists and known as chavs
a fucking furry with no friends. she needs to kill herself and destry her bloodline for creating this little abomination
BOB:look its Izzy
ewan: she is a fucking retard.
Sterling:she needs to kill herself rn
Roman: you know what ill do it myself
Izzy, she is the most beautiful girl you will ever meet inside and out she has the prettiest eyes in the world and the most beautiful smile you’ll ever see she is a rare gem and if you ever find a girl like her you better lock her down or it’ll be the worst mistake of tournament life she has the best personality ever and she would do anything for you she is the best person you will ever meet and the best girlfriend in the world she is beautiful inside and out head to toe and once you meet her you can’t get her off your mind she has a little bit of an attitude but it’s adorable she is an all around perfect and amazing girl definitely wife material she’s the type of girl you see and instantly wanna get to know you can tell her anything but she is definitely the most beautiful girl you will ever meet
I saw the girl of my dreams the other day she was so beautiful I could barley talk I cought I her name tho it was izzy
Term used for someone chill yet quiet. Evil yet tiny, simply their inner doesn't correspond with their outer form. However, they have an amazing personality and to make you feel better, they will laugh at your jokes simply to make you seem funny, even though deep down, you know you aren't.
My best friend is such an Izzy.. I love her so much
Izzy is a boy who is always in drama never loses a fight will make your life a living hell if you make them mad they will roast the shittttttt out of you can fight has a lot of freinds popular can dress good loves slime and fanny packs loves Gucci supreme backpacks lvuttion and designer brand freinds are like his family will yell at the teacher and a badass kid super handsome and cute