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hurt like giving a knife a hand job

Self-explanatory idiom.

When I got spurned by Cheryl, it hurt like giving a knife a hand job.

by LeanBeefPasta November 28, 2010

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

take a butterfly knife to your tender parts

what the father of a teenage girl does to you if you hurt his daughter.

Angry War Veteran Father: "If you hurt her, I will take a butterfly knife to your tender parts."
Frightened Teenage Boy: "Yes sir, I'll have her home by eight."

by ThisIsGoingToHurt March 24, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

1080 Laderstall fakie claymore quadheadshot double throwing knife FTW

in S&D you can win the game and go nuts when you do this because its the shit

Ohh my god, you got a 1080 Laderstall fakie claymore quadheadshot double throwing knife FTW

by alskdjflaksjfd April 26, 2012

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Genuine Gurkha Kukri Knife Online - Ex Gurkha Khukuri House

Nepal's finest genuine Gurkha khukuri (kukri) Maker and original khukris(kukris) knives Seller. Offers various category of Nepalese khukri(knife) for online sale
www.nepalkhukurihouse.com or www.nepalkukrihouse.com

Genuine Gurkha Kukri Knife Online - Ex Gurkha Khukuri House, Khukuri, Kukri, Knife, Online, Nepal, Nepalese, Kukris, Khukuris, Gurkha

by gorkhe December 31, 2013

6๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Uterus Knife

A rape defense.

A woman inserts a knife in her uterus with the handle facing up and the blade facing down.
This way when a man tries to forcefully take her, his penis will be stabbed by the knife.

โ€œIโ€™m a eunuch.โ€
โ€œAw shucks man, howโ€™d that happen?โ€
โ€œI tried to give it to Bernice, but she had a Uterus Knife.โ€

by oocheeha December 16, 2021

knife coach

a life coach whose only method of motivation is cutting or stabbing you with a knife - typically hired from the deep recesses of craigslist

"I really do NOT want to finish my reading assignment. Hey, Maury Povich is on TV," says client.

"I'ma fuckin cut you bitch," says knife coach. "YOU READ OR YOU BLEED." *Licks Knife*

"Well I guess I'll just finish up this reading assignment."

by DunchThirty January 23, 2012

Biting the Knife

"Biting the Knife" is a phase used in place of explaining how you're going to do something risky for no particular reason.

"I'm done contemplating, I'm biting the knife on this one."
"I had to bite the knife and fuck the crackhead even though she prolly have stds."

by leavingamark January 8, 2023