When after the first wipe, the toilet paper is clean but you wipe for a second time and realise it was just an illusion. It then takes half the roll to get clean.
I had a very satisfied smile after a clean first wipe but the next revealed I had been fooled, a wipe lie!
What America is REALLY all about, especially nowadays when 'most everyone is "just looking out for No. 1", and with so many greedy-a** Fletcher Reedes out there who are shamelessly willing to drag fellow humans into Court on grossly-exaggerated/trumped-up charges merely in a selfish effort to fatten their own wallets (or at least to be "famous for ten minutes"), not because said other hapless mortals actually committed any crimes or otherwise intentionally wronged them.
I've heard horror-stories about what dishonest and greedy/selfish jerks some of our nation's founding fathers were really like, so I wonder if their passage in the Constitution was merely a "cell-phone static" type pf error (i.e., just like the "totally-honorable" Enron officials had conscientiously told their subordinates over their cell-phones to "ship the documents to the Feds" but this message's audio-clarity had suffered in the staticky interference-filled airwaves, and so the subordinates had thought that their bosses had said, "Rip the documents to shreds"), and these money-hungry two-faced fibbers had actually written, "lie, flibberty, and the purse-suit of happiness".
Another lie to cover up a previous lie that was detected.
A mild way of saying you are a liar.
I bought this item from this shop.... Boom! The shop doesn't know about it's existence.... Oooh! A delivery guy just brought it to me not quite long... I ordered it online.
Are u fucking kidding me? That's a complimentary lie... You want me to believe that shit!
I made a sandwich on a hot sunny day, on side of the house and then somebody came up and asked for a piece and i said " i don't know you" and they said it look "juicy and succulent" and i said i'm bout to slide up in this house and eat it with some potato chips and then somebody stole it so i had to use my lie detective skills
When someone avoids the truth in order to deceive.
Did she tell you she was cheating on you? Sorta, she used a tilted lie, to make it seem it seem like she was telling the truth.
An assertion that is believed to be false, typically used with the purpose of deceiving or misleading someone.
The Government lied about there being weapons of mass destruction in Iran