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Liquid Fire Shit

A primarily liquid shit, (at least 80%), that comes out of one's asshole feeling reminiscent of molten lead.

These often occur a day or so after ingesting large quantities of spicy food, such as one might do in a Habanaro Pepper eating contest, supplemented with the ingestion of large amounts of liquid, such as at a Habanero Pepper eating contest. The result is an unusually liquidy shit that feel like someone is blowing out your pipes with lava, (technically magma, while still in your rectum).

Needless to say, these shits do not invoke the normal feeling of self-gratification that comes with dumping one's load. On the contrary, it often leaves the shitter's asshole with a terrible burning sensation. This is complimented by the fact that, due to the highly liquid nature of the shit, it oftentimes takes half a roll of toilet paper to clean up the mess, leaving the user with a burning AND raw asshole, as well as dozens of annoying dingleberries. The shit is often discolored, and the aftermath is simply a disgusting pool of red or greenish-brown liquid in your toilet bowl. The stench, even with fans, can often last for 17-36 hours.

If you don't want to live through taking a liquid fire shit, avoid pepper eating contests, and large quantities of Mexican food.

by Quacker1 February 19, 2008

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Liquid Dream Killer

(Famously popularised by the show "Rick and Morty") Semen. Most commonly used when referred to when a child ruined someone's life.

"You shot 20 CC's of liquid Dream Killer into my daughter."

by Small orange September 5, 2017

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Long liquid lunch

The long liquid lunch was once a time honored tradition where white collar workers got together, usually on Friday, over lunch to network and discuss business matters. It was supposed to be a think tank of esoteric minds, but really everybody just got mindlessly tanked during the course of the afternoon and never made it back to work.

Bring back the long liquid lunch !

by Wardswords February 22, 2018

Liquid Tension Experiment

1. Two side projects by three of 5 Dream Theater band members. The band Members are: John Petrucci (Guitar), Mike Portnoy (Drums), Jordan Rudess(Keyboard), and Tony Levin (Bass). Two

2. A total kick ass band that has the best musicians put together.

Did you get the Liquid Tension Experiment CD? It's so bad ass.

by Bill December 29, 2004

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Liquid bra remover

Liquid bra remover (noun) - any form of alcoholic beverage which will assist a man in separating a woman from her clothing, for the purpose of having sexual intercourse.

Alternate definition: a form of cologne or perfure which has the similar desired effect of assisting a man to separate a woman from her clothing, for the purpose of having sexual intercourse.

Ryan: "Dude, I scored with Beth last night. That rum you gave me was like liquid bra remover! After just 2 shots, she was undressed and ready to fuck me!"

by Juke Boxx Hero November 13, 2011

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Liquid Personality

a: the complex of characteristics that distinguishes an individual from his/herself when wasted ; especially : the totality of an individual's behavioral and emotional characteristics in drunken state b: a set of distinctive traits and characteristics that apply to the individual only while under the influence of alcohol.

Looked like you had a great time at the party last night!
Party? Oh...that was not me, you must mean my liquid personality.


Jenny’s liquid personality has arrived! Let’s get this party started.

by GRKGRL June 30, 2009

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Liquid Daycare Center

Another term for a mans ejaculate and or semen.

Honey if you keep sucking like that I’m going to deliver a liquid daycare center in your mouth

by Gummy bear sex May 29, 2019