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magic dust

Could be called "pixie dust" and may also be known as "fairy dust", it is a fictional substance. It is a trail of sparkling material that often follows mythical creatures such as pixies and fairies in general when they are visually represented. Sometimes, this trail is interpreted as being a tangible substance, often imbued with magic powers.

Taken to normal realms of human existence, one could use it to describe bringing forth help from the ethereal, or heavenly spirit, to cause something humanly impossible to happen.

"It took magic dust to get her to let me in her pants."

by kk2again June 29, 2008

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magic carpet

The action of having sexual intercourse in "doggy style" at the top of the stairs and then proceeding to lean forward on top of your partner causing him/her to slide face forward down the stairs with you on their back. Similar to riding a sled down a hill, except naked.

Last week Tyler "magic carpeted" 3 women and 1 man. He's on his way to being a cereal killer.

by Bootylix365 July 14, 2014

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pussy magic

Pussy magic : abstract noun
The magic all women hold between their legs and use to manipulate the world around them with their sexual essence.
Most men do not even know of its existence.

Pussy magic can be emotional, verbal, or physical.
Verbal Pussy magic is when you and a lady have a disagreement, and all of a sudden she says something like " i want you to eat me". She can do this directly or say it through a text message. BUT Now because the male is aroused he has forgotten about said disagreement.

Physical pussy magic is when a lady actually uses her pussy and or lady parts. Example. For years you and your wife have had "good sex". She moans and you think your giving her organisms.

Years later the truth comes out and she can not have an orgasim via penatration and acted them out in her desperation to make your feel like a man and keep you around as her shoulder to lean on.

"Hey john how did Sara become VP of Google?"

" Man, she blew her way through the top of the board of directors; she must know how powerful that pussy magic can be".

" Tom really thinks he wears the pants in his house dosent he?"

" Toms an idiot man, little does he know that his wifes pussy magic is so strong that she has him believing he wears the pants, when actually she wears the pants and has all the car notes and bank accounts in her name."

by King cake February 22, 2015

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Brown Magic

A person of middle eastern descent who is able to use their charm and skill to woo the opposite sex. If used properly, their smooth conversation style and charisma can charm even the coldest of admirers. The phrase was coined after being used on set by Executive Producer Samir Karimi and again when it was re-referenced in the movie Super Troopers.

"Wow that girl is really all into him"
"Yeah he really worked that Brown Magic"

by Sabm3 December 17, 2009

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magic milkshake

milk that has been boiled with cannabis then had fruit added. when ingested makes the drinker high or stoned depending on the concentration of cannabis

yo man lets go make some magic milkshake !!!

by stoner January 1, 2004

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egyptian magic

1.The coolest sort of magic there is.
2.The coolest person on halo x box live there is who sounds like hes 20 or older but only 13 and 14 in may 2008.

1.Yo dawg did you see egyptian magic jsut rape those noobs!? yeah dawg hes my homie we rape noobs all the time and fuck fat chicks.
2.He rape sauces those nub sauces to the extreme man! rape sauce nub sauce in my rape sauce nub sauce.

by Adam aka egyptian magic April 2, 2008

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Magic the Gathering

The salvation for social rejects, Magic is an addictive collectable card game relying only on the player's math and strategy. Magic will consume your life faster than you can say "Mom, I need more money."

I never thought I would ever spend $3.69 for 50 cents worth of paper and ink, but then I started playing Magic the Gathering.

by Magic Rehab Surviver May 11, 2006

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