verb - to badger the hell out of someone via text messaging
When I returned to my desk after lunch, I got master blasted. There were 13 text messages on my phone by the same person.
Receiving oral sex whilst tanking a dungeon in World of Warcraft.
Bro, I just got done Master-Speccing in ICC, it was fucking sweet."
The man or woman with extreme skills cooking a piggy. Legendary bacon skills indeed. A pineapple ham extremist of sorts. Ham Masters are very valuable to social functions.
Yo Jeev, I am planning a barbecue of epic proportions, is there any chance you could get us a ham master? I am looking to impress!
person worthy of leading a team of true ninjas (people that quietly and skillfully gets things done without drama).
Brian's a superstar at this company because he is a ninja master, and you have to be able to walk through walls to be a part of his team.
A jut master is an individual that has an undeniably amazing ability to lie and deceive others consistently.
A true jut master is never caught out in their lie.
Brendan is a jut master
Dont listen to William he's a jut master
Wrestling with the masters means to attempt to understand the full depth and meaning of various literature and art work of a renown artist. The "masters" would be defined as Steinbeck, Poe, Faulkner, Shakespeare, Homer, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Alexandre Dumas, Updyke, et al.
John was struggling with his English Lit. Course, he was Wrestling with the masters, reading such works by Dumas and Von Goethe.
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