The exercise in which a male individual makes his hands into a pinching shape that closely resembles a Mantis, then grabs the shaft of their penis, squeezes the area but not the vein, then after that starts pulling that area outwards. This ancient technique was used by Medieval kings used to please their wives.
Yeah man my wife practiced the Mantis Method on me because my dick was so small..
Popularized by Nicolas Belkin, the belkin method consists of a specialized, repeatable technique used for consistent sexual conquests. Its uses seductive and psychological techniques to consistently secure one night stands with hyper-attractive females.
She was playing hard to get, but when he used the belkin method, she didn’t stand a chance.
A solution to a cigar that is tunneling where you use a V-cut to cut the cigar, take the tobacco that you clipped off the cigar and plug the tunneling. It causes the cigar to burn evenly.
Either my cigar is ruined or I can use the Blaylock Method to plug the tunneling.
The process of rapidly pumping the plunger at a speed of 3 PPS (pumps per second) in order to guarantee a successful flush every time.
My boy Don said the log ain't going waterside, so we gave it the D'ulisse method and it flushed like a breeze.
Outline method
“My English teacher told me to write this for extra credit”
The Aiden Portman Jelq Method or A.P.J.M, is a method used to enlargen the penis. To do this method you have to tape your wee wee to the ceiling fan, or if you dont have one use the nearest electric hand dryer.
"yo guys i definitely recommend this new type of jelqing called the Aiden Portman Jelq Method!!! i grew 4 inches in the last 6 months!!!"
A METHOD in block blast that gets you the most amount of points. You have to keep making combos, one after the other, without breaking the streak of 3 blocks. This method allows you to win easier because it maximizes the points.
Did you try the pink heart method in block blast.
Yea it got me my new high score!