When a person (any gender) shoves their full arm into another persons ass and pulls out feces or diarrhea
austin:dude where is andy?
reggie:man i saw that he was getting a michigan cleaning
Trenton is a very boring city with a bunch of dying old people and spoiled teenagers especially the hockey players. Speaking of hockey players Trenton High is known for recruiting Kids from surrounding city's no matter how illegal it is according to State sports regulations.
Trenton Michigan: A city in southeast Detroit in the area known as downriver
When you go upsidedown and get eggs Benedict shoved into your asshole by a musket loader rod
I got Michigan brown musketed by my bf/gf yesterday
When you run out of toilet paper and are forced to use a corn husk to wipe your smelly ass
This damn corona virus has the entire country on a TP shortage, so I was forced to make a half dozen Michigan Tamales!
When you run out of toilet paper and are forced to use corn husks instead
This coronavirus has emptied the stores of all the TP so I had to make a half dozen Michigan Tamales!
Michiganed, a pilot cancelling his or her flight for an unexpected change in weather.
If you're a pilot and have to cancel your flight for a sudden change in weather, congratulations you've been Michiganed.
A Michigan Kazoo is when you stick a Kazoo in the butthole of your partner and blow into it from the other end while humming the state anthem “My Michigan”.
I really got my partner off with a Michigan Kazoo.