Source Code

brb mom needs me

holy cow i have to go to the bathroom

When Sidney and i were talking on Facebook i discovered i really had to pee. So i typed "brb mom needs me" and ran to the bathroom

by prettyflyforawhiteguy September 6, 2009

9👍 6👎


Social Miscreants
An incompetent, inconsiderate, or otherwise completely intolerable individual, causing others to feel that this individual needs to cease their irritating behaviour. This individual is highly unlikely to do so, and will forever remain needing 'to not'.

1- "That guy is staring at me, and he's really creepy. He needs to not."

A: "A woman asked me at work today how the lift (elevator) works, because she's 'not from round these parts'..."
B: "She needs to not."

3- "They need to not. Get the smack-bat out."

4- Babies crying and mothers ignoring them/glaring at your look of judgment - a classic example of 'People-Who-Need-To-Not'.

by PineapplePolarBear March 29, 2013

2👍 3👎


The need to poop EXTREMELY bad to the poin it starts to come out and leaves brown marks on your underwear, also farting is dangerous.

Hey hows it goin?

Oh its good. OMG I NEED TO POOP!

Nice dude.

by Poop master of poop March 18, 2010

27👍 25👎

i need ammunition, not a ride

-quote by a person with balls

Zelenskyy: I need ammunition, not a ride

by aqxa on yt April 11, 2022

30👍 984👎

you need medical attention?

If a furry asks you this, and say yes, you agree to a blowjob, rough anal sex session or a ride session
example seen below

"You need medical attention?" - Furry
"Yea im Bleeding" - Soldier

by xdmankiller9000 May 18, 2022

3👍 1👎

he/she needs an enema

politically correct way of saying someone is full of shit

Nurse 1"Why is that new nurse late again'?

Nurse 2 "She said her bady daddy was late picking up the kids due to a 19 car accident on the freeway that he caused because he is such a loser he 4 flat tires and then ran out of gas, so he abandoned his car and walked 3 miles to her house." According to her its not her fault she got knocked up by an irresponsible loser. '

Nurse 1 "Yeah, whatever, he/she needs an enema"

by voodoomutt February 22, 2012

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“Everybuddy Needs a Buddy” System

A foolproof group buddy system in which one pairs oneself with a reliable “buddy” during wild adventures or escapades.

The purpose of the system is to ensure safe return of all people in a group by grouping each one with a designated “buddy.” Each buddy in a pair is responsible for their respective buddy’s safe return to their friendly abode.

As long as both buddies buy into the purpose of EBNB System, the system works to perfection and the persons return safely in one piece from their wild night out. However, when buddies begin to neglect their responsibilities, the results can become chaotic and could lead to a buddy sleeping in a hotel room that is still under construction.


1. The EBNB system is only guaranteed to work for groups that have an even-number of persons. For some reason, the EBNB system is overwhelmed and fails when trying to accommodate an odd number of persons in a group. Our most logical guess is that assigning multiple buddies to a single person becomes infinitely more difficult than having a single buddy to watch over.

2. For whatever reason, the EBNB system never works when your buddy’s name is “Cookie Monster.”

CHUCK: Hey guys, I have a crazy feeling we’re gonna get buckwild tonight. I think we need to implement the “Everybuddy Needs a Buddy” System tonight.

STEVE: What happened to Josh last night? It’s 10 AM and he is nowhere to be found. I guess we’re going to the pool without him.

(4 hours later, Josh arrives at the pool in bewilderment)

TODD: What the hell happened to you last night? We called hospitals and jails looking for your ass.
JOSH: I have no idea. All I know is that Cookie was my buddy and everything else is a blur.

by Tomek Bradyowski October 17, 2012

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