A catchy phrase created by Hayden, used to deter people. Often used out of anger spite.
Person 1: "Hey i heard you got with that fat chick last night"
Person 2: "Rape off"
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When you need to check on somebody to make sure their not getting raped.
Hold on! I need to preform a rape check.
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Online gaming term.
Spawn rape is specifically defined as the act of a person of having their crosshair or damage radius of a projectile aimed specifically at the place where a persons model or character spawn. This act of camping a particular spawn and then instantly killing the opponent or putting them at a large damage defecit from their initial spawn health as they respawn is spawn rape.
Spawn rape has been in multiplayer games from their very inception.
It is the map designers job to prevent spawn raping by designing levels that allow the player to move significantly from a protected spawn in order to be able to retaliate and be able to fire back on a camper, thus preventing spawn rape.
OMGZ! That guy is just camping right in front of that corner spawn and killing them instantly. SPAWN RAPE!!!
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Consentual sex with a minor.
Yeah, she WANTED to have sex with you, butt, she's only 15. If word gets around, you could go to prison for statuatory rape you fucktard!
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Nose rape is an assault on one's olafactory organ caused by another individual's use of way too much perfume/cologne. May also be accompanied by eye rape if the offending odor causes the eyes to water. Most prevalent with teenage boys and hookers.
Out teenage son commits nose rape with English Leather.
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Mood Raping (verb). To destroy the feeling of a conversation amongst two or more people, preferably in a staff meeting environment.
Karen's joke in the meeting was so unfunny, it was a mood raping.
When Karen decided to proclaim "I have herpes!" after the firm's partner excitedly announced she was pregnant, it was a mood raping.
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Dude #1; did u hear that rape me song by nirvana?
Dude #2; no.
Dude #1; it kicks ass...
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