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Your mom

Someone that is used to say in memes and sentence. This person loves having sex and loves cock. This person is gay, lesbian, bi sexual, and straight. Awesome right!

โ€œ I fucked your mom last night โ€œ

by Zapo in YouTube/ Blueberry December 5, 2019

Your mom

Something idiots say when they have no good comeback

When asked who his favorite porn star was, he said 'Your Mom'

by MicTheLawl June 11, 2014

your mom

what you say when you want to ignore your friend

bitch guy: What's 1+1?
you: your mom

by jl0728 May 29, 2015

your mom

(n) The woman of whom you were raised by when you were in your younger ages.

Tim: "Who prepared this delicate meal?"
Mom of Tim: "Your mom"

by rolling-on-the-floor-giggling December 11, 2022

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

your father

a human who has not come back from the milk store.

Your father's at the milk store, right?

by _lupical May 22, 2022

On your jaff

To be on your own - without any friends

"Are you on your jaff?"

"Hurry up mate, I'm all on my jaff"

by MrPixel January 5, 2018

Your Thanks

A way of saying you're welcome or no problem in response to thank you.

"Thank you for doing this for me, I couldn't have done it without you."

"Your thanks, it was my pleasure."

by Doctor Jacklyn September 30, 2018