to put a yellow sticker on a windshield of a car to indicate that the car is unroadworthy. Australian English only
This car is a real disgrace. I really have no choice but to "slap a canary on it".
A game in which two individuals each take a shot of vodka but DO NOT SWALLOW. They alternate slapping each other in the face until one person, the loser, either spits out the vodka or swallows it.
John and Adam were playing vodka slap. John missed on the first swing and really just sort of punched Adam. But that made John laugh and he spit out his vodka, thereby losing vodka slap.
The act of screaming "Du ma!" like a fob, then pulling a soggy, wet, greasy, cold, stanky eggroll out of ones pocket and shoving it into anothers mouth while they are trying to talk. Then violently slap the victim till satisfied.
girl: do you have s-i-l-v-e-r-w-a-r-e?...
guy: DU MA!!!
*fob slap*
girl: ow wtf!...oh hell naw. i've just been fob slapped. fml.
The act of bitch slapping someone so hard boogars, and spit fly from the face of the unsuspecting foe.
Damn bro Rick just boogar slapped the shit out of that dude!!
To present something new or old immediately for presentation to the current company.
I got that new video game, nigga.
Word son? Slap it fresh.
Slapped so hard you forgot everything you know, I.e., you don't know Jack..Jack-slapped
Person 1: Hey what are you doing?
Person A: Messing with the police.
Person 1: You're going to get Jack-slapped
Hard work that is art/design related suddenly failing because of a trivial oversight. Usually just before a critique when you'd be tired, hungry, and ready to quit. Then you are Daap Slapped without a completed project to show and may have to make due with something worthless.
"This project should never see the light of day."
"Time for crit and you ain't got shit"