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talkin' deuces

talkin' mad shit

homie #1: Yo, youz lookin' like a bitch today
homie #2: Oh yeah? You better stop comin' round here talkin' deuces before I knock you the fuck out dawg

by big homie watts December 20, 2015

deuce gravy

the residue left between your ass cheeks after dropping a massive projectile deuce. Most noticeable after a diaherra-like deuce and even after wiping, it still feels there.

"damn, i just finished wiping and i still got some deuce gravy left"

by dkyard May 23, 2009

low deuce

Low Duece- when you and a friend are hitting a girl from both sides, and your scrotums bang together, making the situation awkward for everyone.

"Dude, that was awesome, but that low deuce almost ruined the whole thing."

by Cockjuggler 32 April 2, 2016

deuce cannon

When you eat pf changs or any variety of spicy mexican or indian food and get explosive diarrhea. You fart so loud it sounds like a cannon went off and shit sprays all over the back of the toilet, likely resulting in splashback.

After we went to Taste of India last night, I came home and instantly regretted it. I hit the bathroom and it was like a deuce cannon went off in there. Now the whole house smells like curry. What was I thinking?

by deucerocket November 7, 2010

Egyptian deuce

When used toilet paper floats and wraps itself around a turd, forming a mummy
See also: floating mummy, Egyptian turd,poo,shit,etc

Last tuesday little Billy gold took a shit, after wiping he went to get a plunger, by the time he had come back, he noticed his shit had become wrapped like the mummies of ancient egypt. He had taken an egyptian deuce

by Icouldntthinkofaname123 July 17, 2012

Deuce Log

A turd that comes out in a long cylinder shape form that resembles a log.

"I had to let out the biggest deuce log you have ever seen"

"No it was not deuce nuggets this time but a deuce log"

by whassup2ice2 March 27, 2009


A deuce-noose is the act of shitting on some one's neck then lightly choking the same person. This is usually done during sex with a agreeable partner and not meant to be a means to murder.

I met this girl at the bar last night that was into some weird s&m type shit. Literally she wanted me to give her a deuce-noose.

by TGFL STRAWBERRY December 6, 2018