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nah he tweakin

When your not Following @mattpeelislegend on Instagram

A: Whoa, You don’t follow @MattPeelisLegend on Instagram?

B: nah he tweakin

by Matt peel is Legend August 26, 2021

nah he tweakin

Popularized phrase by Lil Nas X in the comments of an Instagram video where Tony Hawk was getting his blood drawn for his limited edition skateboard. Literally seen in every single comment section across social media

Nah he tweakin

by MattyGeeeeee August 26, 2021

Nah he tweakin

One of the worst plagues the internet has ever faced. Originated by lilnasx.

Jimmy: *posts*
Johnny: Nah he tweakin

by palyboiozzy August 26, 2021

Nah he tweakin

Nah he tweakin

Nah he tweakin

by Tito. August 26, 2021

nah he tweakin

Something that people started spamming in Instagram comments section for what ever reason

Nah he tweaking ( in comments section )

by I hate you SO MUCH! August 26, 2021

nah mate see ya

An exit interview strategy applied to employers who are mentally handicapped and require assistance understanding the basics of people management. While exiting a companies employ, you should employ the “Nah mate, see ya” as your exit interview strategy. A standard exit interview interaction would go along these lines:

Receptionist: “What are you doing here?”
You: “Dropping my stuff off
Boss: “Can we have a chat please?”
You: “Nah mate, see ya”
Mic drop, exit front door

I gave my old boss a bit of the old “Nah mate see ya
“Can we talk about this please?”, “Nah mate, see ya”

by honneamise September 6, 2021

Shell Nah

Credit Bubbles

Aww Shell nah

by Huhsaywhat December 1, 2024