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Guy period

Guy period applies to men when they are having diarrhea and it dosen't go away for a couple of days

Hey . I'm on my guy period no anal tonight

by StarRose918 May 8, 2019

A Tenth period

To masturbate. Means to do it after school. But has evolved into a general term to wank it.
Is tenth period because the typical school day is 9 periods.

Bruh I got to crank out a tenth period. I'm so horny.

I can't wait til the last period, ninth period, ends. So I can wank my dick in tenth period.

by LD;) October 6, 2017

period chunk

a large collection of blood coming from the womans vagina during mensturation.

alex: i got my period day
jess: oh is it a heavy one
alex: yeahh i hate that
jess: its worse when u get bad period chunks
alex: yeah they hurt
jess: and make a gross sound when they hit the toilet

by dave the bricky January 15, 2007

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Period pooh

A term Middle School Girls use when hyping up their friends or something that is said. Avoid these kind of people.

Another Girl-Shut the fuck up

by Lick My Nut August 11, 2020

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Period Leg

When menstruation runs down a womans' legs

When a dopey blonde forgets to change her tampon, and her period drools down her leg, thus being known as Period Leg

by zoobear April 7, 2006

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period stick

1) Red lubricated light saber
2) Tampon
3) to discribe a mood of a girl

"dam girl, whip out your period stick"
"goin fishing with my period stick"

by Lloyd and jesse (YAY) March 19, 2006

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Period Banshee

when a woman gets on her period but unlike regular times this time she goes apeshit.

Girl: My stomach hurts buy me some crackers.
Guy: Its midnight thats ridiculous we don't even have crackers.
Girl: (slap) I don't care get me some god damn crackers!
Guy: WTF you such a period banshee!

Girl: I am gonna slit your throat!
Guy: FML

by dedodude January 27, 2011

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