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damp pillow

A perverted metaphor for describing the texture of something.

Your skin is like a ...... DAMP PILLOW!!

by Egor Kalashnikov October 18, 2006

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Cold Pillow

The moment when you flip your pillow at 10:07 PM and it is cold and feels nice.

10:07 PM
*flips pillow*
Me: now that’s a cold pillow

by Dr. Juerdo Titsgo December 3, 2018

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

pillow shitter

A person who can't hold a poop. And deiceds to go into their pillow case.

pillow shitter means:
" Aww man, I really have to go. But I know I won't make it."
*looks at pillow*

" Well it is an emergency,"

" Well I guess I'm a pillow shitter now."

by Hola,soy dora December 28, 2019

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Pillow Pets

A euphemism for sex among preteens.

Tim: Dude! Eva and I are gonna play Pillow Pets after school today.
Rick: Heh, She's such a slut cuz we played it this morning in homeroom!

by Bitsy83 December 11, 2010

26πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

Pillow Partition

A pillow partition is a set of pillows or large body pillow initially placed between a male, usually claimed to be just a friend and female sleeping in the same bed who are not lovers publicly and have no other option for sleeping arrangements. The main purpose is to give the female who may have a boyfriend or may not want the outside world to know of her whorish ways a solid excuse to avoid judgment from her keeping of additional bedfellows and/or negative reaction from significant other.

Example 1:

Girl - "My boyfriend is going to kill me if he finds out we only had one bed in this room."
Boy - "It's ok, I can whip up a pillow partition for you to take a picture of in case he gets upset. We can get rid of it after the picture."

Example 2:

Boy - "I thought you said we could at least cuddle?"
Girl - "That was until you surprise attacked me with a spontaneous erection."
Boy - "I'm not sure that was so spontaneous, we should be safe and put up a pillow partition tonight."

Example 3:
Girl - "I swear I never sleep in the same bed with boys unless I'm dating them. We must use a pillow partition tonight."
Boy - "That is what most whores say."

by 1526rd November 9, 2011

22πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


Refers to a pleasant conversation that you share with a buxom gal while your face is buried between her ample tits. Extra brownie-points if you remembered to "mow the lawn" right beforehand, so that the chest-sharing chick just feels satiny-smooth jowls in her cleavage rather than sandpapery raspies or prickly/tickly hairs; besides, freshly-shaved cheeks are ultra-sensitive, and so you get a "past heavenly" feeling from softly rubbing your face against a girl's "girls".

Horny dude: I love having pillow-talks with Tiffany; da only prob is that I usually doze off halfway through da conversation because her nice warm "pillows" super-relax me and make me drowsy, and so I end up just laying my head on her chest and falling asleep.

by QuacksO February 26, 2017

10πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Pillow Princess

Usually a girl that likes guys but sometimes girls, just rarely. She likes to receive but not give. Like head from both of the sexes but will most likely NOT return the favor.

She's hot, but she's a fucking pillow princess, dude.

by bigboogybitch October 23, 2011

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