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a rocket league slang word, for when you pinch the ball, between the wall and your car.

daniel: the was a savage pinch bro

by the_famm123 April 13, 2019


a unit of measure (typically reserved for ketamine) equivalent to the volume held between ones thumb and index finger. One can administer said pinch to self, friends or strangers... with consent

Would you like a pinch? two-please.

by Beaver-man July 5, 2022


Getting shalllocked by 60 men from behind

I thought I was gonna win color war but then they pinched me.

by Heirypinch505 August 7, 2023


A quantity of dip (tobacco product). Normally the amount of dip you can fit between your index finger and thumb. Common term among rednecks.

Hey! You got a pinch, Bubba?

by the central cringe April 28, 2017


Pinch. Aka sex on earth, aka land of dreams. When people use the word Pinch in a sentence you immediately think of all the hottest girls, best drinks, DQ, wife beaters, and a broken sink. If tinder aint working head on down to Pinch and experience what you see in the movies.

Christ almighty Pinch was insane last night, boned some random slute

by A-MANNNN January 11, 2022



Got any pinch? Yeah let’s do a couple pinchies

by Crotchbox September 25, 2018


A redneck term for dip (chewing tobacco) (wacky tobacky)

"ye trevor wanna pinch i gotta few pinches left in ma ca'an"

by big hick nutz April 4, 2019