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Queer baiting

Generally speaking when a straight man or woman makes sexual jokes toward someone who is apart of the LGBTQ community in a “haha kidding (I’m not kidding)” kind of way. It’s actually very uncomfortable. Ex: Just because a woman is attracted to other women it doesn’t mean that YOU are those other women.

Straight Girl Friend: Omg haha I’m gonna leave my husband for you cause we’d be so much better together

Girl…friend: You’ve said this like 10 times it’s really weird

Str8: Haha I’m kiddiinnggg but like actually I totally would

Girl…friend: I wouldn’t. You’re queer baiting go kiss a cheerleader or something

by u know that one person February 7, 2023

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Queer Shakes

Queer shake is a term to describe the effect of a really cringe worthy moment. After witnessing the moment, the viewer may experience a small amount of shaking that is associated with their cringing.

"Man, did you see that video of that cop singing The Star Spangled Banner?" -Man 1

"Yeah, it left me with The Queer Shakes it was so bad!" -Man 2

by Heraclitus94 April 2, 2013

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Queer's Delight

Queers Delight; is a tasty hangover breakfast, consisting of a single, toasted sourdough bread as the base, topped with scrambled eggs, Velveeta cheese, bacon, tomato slice & green onions.

After a night of heavy vodka consumption, Jim made Queer's Delight for breakfast.

by Snack Champ October 18, 2017

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Drop the queer

When you are driving through the hood and you see that one gay white kid and you role down your window and scream drop the queer nigga.
He is to mentally faggotted to respond to you.

‘Drop the queer Nigga

by YourNiggaJeffery July 7, 2019

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Chandelier Queer

A Homosexual with exquisite and/or expensive taste. An Elegant Fag. A self-spoiled fruit. Not to be confused with a Gay Sugar Daddy that spends all his money on his 14yr old rent boys. Chandelier Queers (CQs) are not aversed to sharing their exquisite luxuries with others, but they mainly indulge themselves. If you happen to know a CQ, you might accidentally share in some of his affluent tastes by proxy.

Phil: We're gonna go over to Victor's for dinner tonight, we're having Pheasant a l'Orange.
And I heard he's prepared a delightful Raspberry Coulis for dessert.
Kev: That is one classy sounding guy. I bet his wife's a babe?
Phil: No dude, Vic's gay. Rich, but gay.
Kev: No way, a Chandelier Queer? I thought they were made up

by Dublinisms May 3, 2013

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Pure Queer

Pure queer is some that is really gay like big bear

That guy is pure queer

by J to the R-O-C bitch October 4, 2008

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Queer Insert

A non-queer person who attempts to insert themself into the LGBTQ+ community by making up a new sexuality (super-straight, animesexual) or by attempting to insert allyship into the LGBTQ+ community.

"Hi, my name is Darrel and I'm coming out as animesexual! I look forward to taking part in the LGBTQ+ community!"

"Oh my god Darrel stop being such a queer insert"

by Holamigo++ July 26, 2021

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