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Richard Nixon

Best president ever. Sure he had the watergate scandal but think about it, he did what EVERY president does, except he got caught. The best always get caught. But he was smart, he kept his name clean by resigning instead of being impeached.

To know what Richard Nixon did just check the items in your home...who do you have to thank for all those things made in China...definately NOT Bush!!!

by psycolizard February 11, 2006

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Richard Dawkins

An intelligent man who is one of the most public supporters of evolution and atheism in our modern age. Winner of numerous scientific awards, Mr Dawkins holds the scientific method up as the supreme means of understanding everything.

Using this method, he delves into evolution at length in his books including The Blind Watchmaker, The Selfish Gene, Climbing Mount Improbable amongst a few others. In these books he outlines the mass of evidence for evolution, explaining how it is as much a fact as gravity, and the theory is in fact more supported by evidence than gravity.

He shows how over many generations mutations (DNA copying errors) occur, and over many millions of years these random mutations can change a species almost unrecognisably, through natural selection, which Dawkins points out is 'the opposite of chance'. In doing this Mr Dawkins Demolishes creationism, showing it to be outdated, irrational and to be completely lacking in evidence, and not fit to even be considered anywhere close to evolution in any way.

He recently wrote a book Called 'The God Delusion', in which he argues (convincingly, in my opinion) that the god hypothesis can be made into a theory and therefore tested in the scientific method, coming to the conclusion that Gods existence is not impossible, since proving a negative is impossible, but so unlikely that god may as well be regarded as non-existent.

To those who insult him, you do your cause far more harm than good - you just make yourselves look bitter and refusing to accept reality, despite the evidence that is there. You may disagree with his views, and that's fair enough, but to insult him because he says things you don't like just makes you look petulant.

It is absolutely safe to say that, if you meet somebody who claims not to believe in evolution, that person is ignorant, stupid or insane (or wicked, but I'd rather not consider that). -- Richard Dawkins

by Sam Lock August 14, 2007

1440๐Ÿ‘ 1990๐Ÿ‘Ž

what a richard

nice way to say someone is being a dick...since Dick is a nickname for Richard

"Can you believe the way that guy is acting..what a Richard!"

by no1uknow April 24, 2014

16๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Richard Nixon

The 37th president of the United State. One of the best presidents who ever lived. Did more in his time in office than any other president.

Wow that was amazing you mmust be Richard Nixon

by Sam Fisher February 25, 2005

151๐Ÿ‘ 185๐Ÿ‘Ž

Richard Overfelt

It is a pun. Dick is a nickname for Richard. So the joke is "Dick Overfelt ." Very useful in the old days of prank calling.

I am so going to prank these people by asking for a Richard Overfelt.

*ring* *ring* "Hello, is there a Overflet, Richard there?"

"One moment...... Dick Overfelt.... Is there a Dick Overfelt."

by Zoe Lopez December 31, 2010

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the little richard

With regards to males, the little richard (otherwise known as the 'middle-school moustache') is the thin layer of facial hair sometimes covering an adolescent boys upper lip. For females, the term is most commonly used to refer to poorly applied lip-liner.

Your 14 year old brother/sister has the little richard

by Artimus Cheeks May 31, 2007

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sticky Richard

Cannabis. In particular, hashish (as it is sticky). Popularised by certain death metal bands, including Burning Skies in their song 'Sticky Richard'.

'ere mate, you got any sticky Richard?

If anyone's got a bit o' the ol' sticky Richard on 'em, come see us after the gig ;)

#Sticky Richard born and bred
In the hearts of those who want their eyes red
Play some metal, smoke some green
No weak shit in between#

by I_am_sticky_Richard July 23, 2010

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