When you're onset with a sudden violent sneezing fit and unfortunately rip a couple of suspicious farts.
Must of been some pollen or something, but I was folding laundry and started sneezing violently, suddenly I had the worst Sneezing Kerfuffle. Now I have to do more laundry.
its not a sneeze you don't see coming its a sneeze you can feel with your hands
this is a blind sneeze
*sneezes in braille*
not to be rejected without careful consideration; worth having or taking into account.
a saving of $550 was not to be sneezed at
an expression used when describing a friend who has taken it too far at the sesh
"oi! check out lily she's passed out, full sneezed it".
you ejaculate into a girls mouth after receiving oral and somehow make her sneeze, leading to her sneezing out your semen.
"i spunked in her mouth and she sneezed making a spunky sneeze bomb"
Another term for "jerkin off".
"I went into the bathroom stall and it looked like someone underhand sneezed all over the bowl!"
When you sneeze into your hand, rub it on your dick and stick it in your girls ass.
Me and my girl were about to get down but we were out of lube, I sneezed in my hand rubbed it on my dick and stuck it in her ass. I sneezed and she pleased, sneeze and please.