It is political-philosophical and spiritual thought about a vigilant state based on authority to restore tradition.
Through a provisional state led by (non-elected) aristocrats, after the overthrow of the liberal-democratic state and party parliamentarism, a period of dictatorship of restoration of ethical principles is established and traditional moral values. All liberal-bourgeois values like Socialism and Communism (Egalité), Liberalism and Progressivism (Liberté), Democracy (Fraternité) are replaced by holistic values. The restoration of culture takes place through the censorship of the mass media and other means of communication, the restructuring of schools and the education system, and the resurgence of the fine arts.
The free-market capitalist economy is replaced by Organic State intervention, replacing transnational companies and large enterprises by antitrust laws to abolish the irregular exploitation of raw materials, minerals and cartels, but not private property. Suppress the class struggle through intermediary bodies, restoring dignity to workers and enterprises. The Secular State and the free creed are abolished, rebuilding the Traditional Spiritual State. The Democratic State of Law, the Liberal Constitution, the International Treaties are dissolved, respectively, and, in their place, the Natural Law is instituted. The military aristocracy (police and army) is called upon to contain internal and external threats. Subversive demonstrations are prohibited.
Traditional Authoritarian Society is the way of using the state's monopoly on the use of force to restore Tradition.
a video editing group made by @violqts @marvexlouz and @aepshalo that manifests juicy asses for the members. also we worship caniana
ariana society is curently manifasting juicy asses. come back later.
a bunch of mentally ill people.
dude 1: hey i am a part of the goop society
dude 2: damm
the society of the uran tan is an elite society that walks the walk of the urangatang. If you are a member of the uran tan society you are an uran tan fan/ uran tan fan man.
I am a member of the society of the uran tan so I am an uran tan fan.
Idiots United, a ungodly amount of idiots in an idiot colony
Nutcase: I’m apart of the flat earth society!
Jeremy: oh you mean idiots United
Yo, ever heard of Arctic Society?
Ew, your gross, they make Roblox porn!
also called Cult of the GAays, they never consult anyone but their own, cult of publishers so it was this that formed wikipedia to start and left alone commit horrendous atrocities but their name implied fascism to start because the society was on the distribution controls of what others, authors and writers, have said.
2. the arch enemies of Mark Twain, all
"Over arking, phrase Publisher's Societies of America he's talking about, like the Tom Sayer 1973 movie they did, it was theirs,
there once was a Time when things like polution, overpopulation, even things like income taxes were unknown to most people, our natural riches seemed inaexhaustable, there was more elbow room, and life was a lot more fun, now, reader's digest, together with the united artists and arthur p jacobs, invites you and your family, to go back to those golden days, as we proudly present Tom Sawyer" Arthur P Jacobs, Reader's Digest, Artists United.