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the condition of an erection after taking too many stimulants

i got this "speed-chub"..i can fuck for like 2 minutes at a time but then it starts to go soft..then i gotta like milk that blood back in and go back to fuckin. this bitch be rollin her eyes i'm lovin it.

this is a train to nowhere baby so it's gonna be all night ;)

now bend down further i need to do a line

by bobby swoledick brothers February 7, 2010

Speed suck

When a girl gives you a blow job so fast, you cum before getting fully erect

She speed sucked me last night

by Crackycraker June 3, 2021

Thunder speed

When you are fucking a girl so fast you feel like you are in a tornado.The booms of her cheeks imitate the sound of thunder.(only works with straight sex none of that gay shit)

“Want some pizza?”-Mark
“Oh hell yeah, hey did I tell you about last night?”-tony
“Give me some of that shit nigga.”-Jerome
“I fucked my girl so fast that we went thunder speed.”-tony
I thought you were gay.”-Jerome

“I haven’t even been near a vagina since I came out one and that’s been about 45 years.”-mark

by ChunkyCheese05 October 6, 2021

Speeding Ticket

(NOUN): A summons issued to a coworker or employee when they screw up a task because of task saturation. Or a summons your spouse issues to you for screwing something up even though you are managing a thousand things correctly.

e.g., 1) My boss keeps giving me more sh*t to do just so he can give me a speeding ticket for messing up a task. 2) My wife is always giving me speeding tickets when I screw up and when I give her a speeding ticket, she always figures out how to turn it around and issue the speeding ticket back at me.

by Barely Managing February 13, 2023

Gerry Speed

When the VFD doesn’t run the motor fast enough for your liking so you crank that bitch up to 165 Hz.

Yo, this bottle rinser isn’t moving fast enough to keep up so I turned it to Gerry speed and it jammed so many bottles into that filler!

by Elcapitandongcopter February 20, 2021

Speed Hating

when a girl walks past you in bitch mode and makes a brief comment in attempt to demoralize you in front of your friends

"Your such an asshole, goodbye!"

"Ah, she's just speed hating."

by TheBigK February 3, 2010

speed coil

The speed coil is a very well known Roblox item, very useful to be faster than a normal player without a speed coil. If you manage to get one Irl, then you can try to be fast as much as you want.

You: ayo this speed coil game pass is too expensive...
Chad: do you really need a speed coil to win?

by Illhityouwithmybruschetta December 25, 2021