The strongest man alive, Jebbe Strong got his nickname when the universe was created and he popped out and someone said damn that man strong
That guys jacked he looks like Jebbe Strong
A phrase meaning impressive, outstanding, and undeniably crushing it. If you're a strong tit, you're the one everyone wants on their team—the opposite of weak sauce, bringing power and swagger to every situation.
Ever since Matt W. got promoted to sales manager, he has been a bonified whip it out and slap it on the table strong tit.
Weak and strong is both weak and strong, rather than perfect.
I'd rather be weak and strong than just weak. At least I got a little range without having to go get a rifle.
The use of ones frail weak hands to move a girthy sausage from one point of entry to another. Usually accomplished by a small dainty male.
We really needed your strong hands in the office yesterday during happy hour.
Matte strong means to be tough and defying.
I'm built for this because I am matte strong
A 113-year-old wrestleman who can type while wearing boxing gloves. For some reason, no one even spells his name correctly. He also appeared in The Room.