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Tay is your average annoying person and he always says “Ok” but he’s funny and fun person to laugh with. Flee, arsenal, and MM2 is usually what tay plays. Tay is a cutie. ;)

Hi, my name is Tay and I sayOk

by September 15, 2020



May I please have a tay?

by Bassmastah February 28, 2018


Thinking About You

I can’t sleep;I can’t eat; I’m always TAY

by Tomas Nomas February 28, 2022


An amazing , kind , thick , short , green-eyed goddess, with good intentions, doesn’t cheat, loyal ... extremely loyal , gets good grades , everybody wants me , I do not play with peoples feelings.

You need yourself a Tay!

by TayTay Swaggy Bottoms November 23, 2021


most likely a bd in chicago, super toxic highly don’t recommend

Girl: look at tay
Girl 2: Girl don’t date him he super toxic

by peoples names. November 22, 2021


my 4lifer😜😜😜🤞🤞🤞 bestiesCloud😈

Tay is my 4lifer 😜😜😜 also a ginger

by babyeddd July 7, 2021


A boy who is positve and really nice to people that respect and is very athletic + very loyal

Man that guy Tay is too good!

by Washed up November 21, 2021