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dirt demon

a filthy black toddler;
a filthy black midget;

usually wears coats and acts human, but really come through dirt from hell to terrorize humans.

man, tevin is such a little dirt demon.

by happy kids March 30, 2008

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dirt balling

A variation on snowballing. it is after a woman performs oral sex on her guy... but without swallowing or spitting out the spunk. She then goes to his ass ... or another individuals ass and spits the spunk in their trunk.

when Bridget finished sucking my C**K she took my load and dropped it in my ass that was dirt balling.

by dirt baller September 21, 2006

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dirt farmer

An unproductive farmer, for whatever reason.

While the farmers in the valley grew many fruits and vegetables, the rocky slopes above made the growers up there little more than dirt farmers.


Prior to widespread irrigation, prairie agriculture in North America was mainly dirt farming.

by Word Worm September 10, 2009

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chip dirt

The sad pile of broken chips left at the bottom of the bag.

Damn dude, you just left a pile of chip dirt in this Doritos bag. Go grab a new bag!

by BTdrone July 9, 2013

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Getting dirt

The act of hooking up, fucking, making out etc... but can be much more vague. Seeing a girl's boob pop out in public can be constituted as getting dirt.

Friend 1:"Yo!!!! I was getting dirt in the middle of class today, this girl's boob popped out"

Friend 2: "Shut the fuck up no way"

Friend 1: "You I got dirt with that girl Julie"

Friend 2: "Cool Bro"

by Sgt.Slice December 8, 2010

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Dirt Digger

A person or group who sole mission in life is to uncover defamatory content about other people in other to discredit them.

See Joe-Shmo over there? that dude has his nose all up Jim Bob's butt, digging for dirt to put on him, just because Jim attracts more girls. What a jealous Dirt Digger!

by Hater of Haters May 17, 2011

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dirt socks

Droopy breasts normally found on women after child birth and/or after their 35th birthday.

Dude, that chick's tits swung so low, she had dirt socks

by shangvshanger April 4, 2008

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