Source Code

two boxing

When someone (Referrably from Everquest) plays two characters at once (seperate accounts) either to group,raid, or powerlevel.

Hey can I get a heal?.....Hey you there?. Dude, he's two-boxing and powerleveling his lowbie.

Jeesh you got two accounts? Do you just two-box your all day with your guys?

by Dr. Demented January 15, 2004

13πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

tight box

A tight female vagina.

"I fucked maddi last night, she had a tight box!"

by Haydos.96 July 30, 2014

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Box Girl

Any girl who resembles Boxxy or other emo/scene girls from the mid 2000s to early 2010s.

Typically has straight black hair, eyeliner, and maybe some piercings or eye shadow.

Oh, they’re also cute as hell.

Hey box girl, go back to 2008!

by Shayalic September 20, 2020

12πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Google Box

A personal computer, laptop, phone or any other device primarilyt used for searching the interweb.

Hey d'Artagnan, pass me the google box, I have to check the porn and stock quotes.

by davesigmachi November 30, 2008

12πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

hot boxing

getting into a car, rolling up the windows and getting high. The whole purpose of this event is to celebrate manhood by lighting up joints in a closed car, therefore inhaling more of that pure weed smoke.

Me and Rob went hotboxing in his car, we got faded as fuck.

by tom July 31, 2004

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Blue Box

n. What a woman gets after becoming sexually excited, but not satisfied. The female equivalent to blue balls.

When I left to go watch the game at the bar with the guys, and abruptly stopped orally pleasuring my woman, she got a bad case of blue box.

by Phinneas Q. Butterworth December 24, 2005

118πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

Box Nasty

An issued meal to Marines in the field. It consists of a disgusting sandwhich, fruit and chips. Box nasties will typically be issued the date they are to expire. You can not trade the contents of a box nasty because they are all equally worthless.

"Are we getting hot chow today or are they issuing us a box nasty?'

by Call me Dizzle February 21, 2010

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