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The absolute gayest human being on planet earth. Most likely hides it though because he is afraid he will be bullied.

We all know Joe is gay. Why won’t he come out.

by Bigghuman February 19, 2019

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is a huge dick but has a small one. Probably looks homeless and uneven patches on his face. He would rather snap his back than wear a snap back. He also flirts with everyone and likes to fight back. He is nice when he wants to and is impatient. You can't piss him off BUT he can piss YOU off. He is quite tall and he jumps around a lot. He's also a skinny legend and a mad lad. He says DUDE a lot so slap him if he does. If you find a Joe, you should become friends with him as he's all jokes.

Oh and he likes to call girls THOTS.


"Joe, is that you?"

by bbuwu November 12, 2018

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The oldest person known to exist. Will leave a trail of dust while he walks around.

Why is all this dust on the floor? Joe must have been walking around again.

by typeo5728 April 20, 2017

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Joes amazing, he’s funny ,someone you can tell anything to. Everyone loves him πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ oh sorry they love his soft hair .. but I think everyone called joe should now be named shuzan πŸ˜‚β™₯️

Joe is a complete idiot, mut he’s amazinggggπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

by Georgie.xxx May 24, 2018

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Joe mom

Hey how are you?
I'm fine, I was just hanging out with joe
Who's Joe?
Joe m a m a

by The_fifth_marauder December 15, 2019

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A brown person that trys to pull the brown card 25/8 and his ass smells like a graveyard.

¨Dude did Joe just walk past? It smells like something died¨

by MissyNissy May 2, 2019

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They are the sports betting public

The JOES have penciled in the Colts on Sunday as a LOCK, early ticket count is 38-1 in favor of the Colts

by Mr Falcone October 24, 2007

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