aka Ghost Calorie, when someone engages in a strict diet but still gets fat.
'She's been on like a diet since like 2002, wtf is wrong with those like phantom calories.' - Elaine
The act of inserting a glove into one's anus and inflating until maximum size has been achieved.
Sure the rotisserie is good but William often prefers the Phantom fist
When you reach for a object that isn't there purely out of habit
Mike recently quit smoking and reached for a cigarette that was no longer in his pocket.
Mike: shit man, I just did a Phantom Grab
A phantom sneeze is the feeling of betrayal you get when you thought you had to sneeze but couldn't.
"Yesterday at work I had a phantom sneeze and all my colleagues looked at me like I'm a retard."
A booger that rattles in your nose, you can feel it with your finger, but can't ever seem to extract on your fingertip.
Hold on, I've almost got this monster out of my nose. Oh pity, it's only a phantom booger.
The mysterious flushing of automatic toilets even though you haven't sat down or removed yourself from the toilet seat.
Individual sits on toilet to do their “business”. Suddenly the toilet proceeds to make 2 - 3 "phantom flushes" even though all they've done is shifted in the seat or reached for some toilet paper. Sometimes no movement is necessary to trigger this effect.
When you wonder where your dirty panties have gotten to because they aren't in the hamper anymore. You consider it plausible that a dirty minded poltergeist could exist and has helped himself, but then you remember that Craig Baker had visited and left quite abruptly.
Wife: Honey, have you seen my little silk panties? I can't find them anywhere...
Husband: Have you checked the clothes hamper in the bathroom?
Wife: Of course I have, they aren't there.
Husband: Well maybe it was the fucking panty phantom?!