A submissive man (usually)
With a large penis
Y- “you know they don’t call me a Foot long sub for nothing”
(Person your taking to)- “dude wtf”
When three or more men line up on a couch and jerk each other off my moving the next man’s arm. A horizontal double Dutch rudder.
It wasn’t gay that we all jerked off on the couch, we never touched each other’s dicks it was a classic confederate sub.
When you recognize each other as only friends but don't see each other as girlfriend or boyfriend material. However unlike the term "friendzone" is in this case room for sexual attraction to the other.
S: Bruh, you look really hot right now, but don't get your hopes up you are still sub-friendzoned
D: Maybe we should become fuckbuddies then, nah just kidding gurl!
When your in subway, ask for a Boner Sub. A boner sub is a hard dick inside toasty buns. That's why it's my favorite thing to get topped with Mayo.
I can't wait to get my favorite boner sub from subway so I can take it home for delicious and messy results. Boner subs are the best!
Posting a story either on Instagram or Snapchat that is directed about someone but they do not know it’s about them
“Yo you posted subs on your story”
“Yea that bitch gets on my nerves she move weird 😂”